Monday, April 23, 2012

Breakfast Tacos

Okay, so I'm not exactly sure what to call these... They're definitely "breakfasty", but they're filling enough for lunch.. so would that make them Brunch Tacos? In any case, they are delicious, and very easy to make! The cumin in the eggs is my secret ingredient. It adds a subtle smokiness to the dish, and gives it that Mexican flare. I made them for my husband last week for lunch, and we ate them outside in the gorgeous weather!

I'm going through a phase of buying Greek pitas, and eating them all the time. They're not that great straight out of the package, but it's amazing what a little olive oil and a grill pan or griddle can do! They're warm, chewy, and very tasty. Rather reminiscent of a Gordita shell. We've been eating them just as a snack with Schuler's cheese spread, cut into wedges and served with lunch meat, cheddar cheese and mustard for lunch, or paired with thousand island dressing, corned beef and cheese for a Reuben pita.

Pick some up from the grocery store, and you will soon be addicted too!

(prepped ingredients)

(heating up the turkey ham)

(grilling the pitas)

(pouring the milk)

(breakfast tacos)

(a table for two)

Breakfast Tacos
Serves 2

  • 2 Greek pitas
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons whole milk
  • 1-2 slices turkey ham, diced
  • 3 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, grated
  • sour cream, to taste
  • salsa, to taste
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • cumin, to taste
  • olive oil
  • butter


Heat skillet to med-high, add half a tablespoon of butter and diced turkey ham. Cook until golden brown. Set aside. Whisk eggs and milk together, then scramble with salt, pepper, and cumin to taste. Set aside. Meanwhile, heat grill pan over medium heat. Brush pitas with a little olive oil, and place on grill pan until golden brown, flipping once, about one minute per side. Assemble the tacos: spread some sour cream on the pita, followed by turkey ham, then the scrambled eggs, salsa, and lastly the cheddar cheese. Wrap the bottom half of the pita in foil to keep warm, and so it's easy to eat.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

As promised...

Here is a picture of my Mascarpone Parfait. I assembled one last night for a pre-dinner snack when we got home from the office. I ran out of blueberries, so this one just had the raspberries in it, but you can still see how pretty it looks! We then went over to my sister-in-law's house (just across the backyard) for a delicious dinner of rib roast, mashed redskins, toss salad, fruit salad, and rolls. (Which I contributed - frozen yeast rolls, brushed with melted butter and sprinkled with kosher salt, garlic powder and dried rosemary. Yum!) I also helped her out by bringing tapioca pudding with raspberries for dessert.

New recipe coming soon! Be sure to check back soon to see it. :)

(mascarpone berry parfait)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nine Months

My little baby was 9 months old on Sunday. Where has that time gone? It seems it flew by. It definitely went by faster than the previous 9 months! ;)  He is such a sweet little boy. He is a huge joy to us, and I love him more than I ever imagined I would.

My husband takes him over to my in-laws house once a month to weigh him on my mother-in-law's scale. She has a very accurate scale, so we always use hers instead of ours, which tends to fluctuate quite a bit! He weighs 18 pounds.

Some new things in the past month:
  • Playing peek a boo! It is SO cute watching him do it. I say, "Where's David?" and he either drops his head on my lap, or turns his eyes so he can't see you, or covers his face. Then he holds it there for a minute and then pops up with this huge smile on his face when I say, "There he is!" He makes the funniest little faces and it is so fun to watch.
  • Waving! A few weeks ago we taught him how to wave, but he only did it when you would tell him to, he didn't understand the concept of waving hello or goodbye. Now when someone says hello to him, he almost always waves his hand up and down. He thinks it's lots of fun, and I think it's really cute!
  • Sickness. :(  This was not nice for him. Poor little kid cut a tooth on top (first one on top, but it's on the side, not in the front!), then he had a fever, followed by an itchy rash for a few days. We think it was Roseola. After his rash went away, he had a diaper rash that bothered him pretty bad for two days. Just as that cleared up, he got a cold! He was pretty congested for the better part of a week, and had a hard time breathing at night, and while he ate. One thing that I was glad of was that he was still very sweet and happy even though he was uncomfortable. There were times he was clearly not feeling good, yet I could tell he was really trying to be good and happy. That is such a good thing to me!
As I write this, he is sitting on my lap playing with my iPad. I'm so glad that God blessed us with him, and try to raise him to be everything God had in mind when He created David!

(using one of the five senses - touch)

(all smiles)

(is that mom I see?)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mascarpone Berry Parfaits

I whipped up a delightful concoction this morning with some things that I had handy in my fridge. Parfaits! I mixed together a quick parfait cream of Greek yogurt, Mascarpone cream, lemon zest, almond extract and powdered sugar. I layered it in a parfait glass with some fresh raspberries and blueberries, and honey almond granola. It was delicious! The lemon and almond extract paired really well together, and picked up the sliced almonds in the granola. I didn't get a picture of it, but I have some leftover parfait cream, so I will be making another one (or two!) throughout the week, and will snap a few pictures. If you are looking for a slightly more healthy option (though these really aren't bad), you could substitute the powdered sugar for some honey, or agave nectar.

Did you know....

Parfait is a French word meaning "perfect"?

See the Wikipedia article on Parfait for some more interesting information on parfaits.